Embodied Creative Encounters

A multidisciplinary workshop cultivating landscapes of creative ritual
Co-facilitators Julie Geremia, Jeanette Kotowich & Olivia Shaffer invite you to explore creative expression through a unique multidisciplinary workshop. Together we will cultivate intuitive expression through personal and collective creative ritual practices. With a process oriented approach, we will weave together body practices, movement arts, land-based research while integrating playfulness and imagination. By diving into our sense based bodies, land, spirit and community, the days will be intentioned with movement exploration, site-specific activation and sacred practice study, within a container held by our environment and inner wisdom.
Co – facilitators:
Julie Geremia – expressive arts therapist exploring healing through the arts and testing conventions. I follow a sense-based, creation-oriented practice of using the arts, art materials and our natural world to support self-exploration and give space for healing and expression. www.juliegeremia.com
Jeanette Kotowich – a multi-disciplinary iskwêw, independent dance artist, creator, choreographer and Auntie Culture enthusiast of Nêhiyaw (Cree) Métis and mixed settler ancestry. My work references Nêhiyaw cosmology, protocol, de-colonial practices, ritual, relationship to the natural/spirit world and Ancestral knowledge. My practice is intergenerational and vocational; it’s a living and lived experience. movementhealing.ca
Olivia Shaffer – choreographer, performing artist, and movement teacher, with a practice based in investigative and embodied movement, such as Contact Improvisation and somatic modalities. I create, perform, and teach in service to humanity’s capacity to feel, heed, and transform its disposition. oliviashaffer.ca
Arrive on Sunday, Aug. 15 in the afternoon for orientation. This intensive begins on Monday morning at 10am. Depart on Saturday, Aug21 at 8am or 11am ferries. $600 includes all meals, camping/dormitory, tuition, taxes, and transportation from the ferry. Go to ‘contact us’ on the right side of this page to register.