Contact Improv Workshops

Leviathan Studio is committed to the serious study of Contact Improv. We are working towards the highest goals of attaining the perception of ‘spherical space,’ moving with awareness. Participants are advised to participate at their level, never doing anything that they don’t want to.

At Leviathan Studio we are refining what we do and how we do it. This is a studio for the study Contact Improvisation. We are interested in participants from all levels of experience and ability. However, participants come here to study. We play seriously and expect you to come here to seriously play.

We provide the highest level of teachers and training. Participants are well supported in their endeavours with the highest quality food, the best dance floor in the world suspended on car tires, a large sauna every evening, and a theatre for video tutorials.


Our programs are becoming longer every year. The longer workshops allow participants to really sink into the work. In the beginning we did 5day events that, in retrospect, barely allowed time for the stress of the city to melt away. Now, with longer events that include rest days on the beach, meditation times, and time for the muscles to unwind, we are finding participants that crave the longer sabbatical, and the rewards that come with time.
