There are still three spots available for this workshop.
This workshop will facilitate Steve Paxton’s “Material For the Spine” by “alloying a technical approach to the process of improvisation.” Paxton’s system for exploring the interior and exterior muscles of the back … “aims to bring consciousness to the dark side of the body, that is, the ‘other’ side or the inside, those sides not much self-seen, and to submit sensations from them to the mind for consideration.”
Material For the Spine ~In 1986, dancer Steve Paxton began examining the spine he had observed in the practice of Contact Improvisation, a duet movement form he had instigated in 1972. The system of MFS is a meditative study of spinal and pelvic movement initiations combining a technical approach with an improvisational process.

Themes in these classes will be:
*focusing on our inner sensations while warming up slowly
*learning and practicing rolling on the floor, in spiral (helix) form, crescent and other forms
*studying undulations ( wavelike movements) in our bodies
*moment to moment awareness tuning
*finding own small dance
*and following the spontaneous rise of improvisation in the group.

Nóra Hajós (H/USA) started her dance studies at age 4 in her native Hungary. For the past 34
years, she has been teaching the art of dance and movement improvisation, as well as creating
performances in Europe, USA, Canada and South America.
Nóra studied in-depth with the following teachers, with whom she also collaborated and
performed in many occasions: Steve Paxton (the originator of contact improvisation), Lisa
Nelson (Tuning Scores) and Simone Forti (Logomotion).
Nóra Hajós has been studying with Steve Paxton for over 30 years.
More information on Nóra:

Arrive on Sunday, July 16 in the afternoon for orientation. The final class is on the morning of Monday, July24 with departure on the 4pm ferry. $1200Canadian includes all tuition, meals, accommodation, taxes and transportation from the ferry to the studio. To register, click on ‘Contact Us’ on the right side of this page. If you don’t get a response within 48hrs, check your spam folder or send another message.

Note: This workshop is followed by a 4day silent jam. Participants in the silent jam must have participated in Nora’s workshop. There will be no new arrivals on July24. The fee for the whole 12day event is $1500Canadian.