2019 Overview

2019 Overview

The 2019 overview is much the same as 2018, with a greater emphasis on meditation and silent work. Many people have come to the same conclusion, ‘tension masks sensation.’  Participants in the 2019Residencies at Leviathan Studio understand by experience that meditation will ease tension and that this will elevate their dance. Aug25-29 is the 5day silent jam as part of the second residency, Aug11-31.

There are 2 Residencies for Experienced Dancers in Contact Improvisation in 2019. Both Residencies are 3weeks long. Benno Voorham will join the July Residency to share his experience in improv performance. I will lead the second Residency.  Note, there is a 2week break between the two residencies. If you plan to do both, please make plans to take a holiday during this week that the studio is closed.

I am leading the work that I do in 3workshops. This pedagogy bridges Tai Chi to ‘Material For the Spine’ to Contact Improvisation.

We are seeking Interns and Apprentices. Interns come to work in exchange for attendance and food. Apprentices come to study for prolonged period. Please read ‘interns’ in the drop-down menu. If you are interested in apprenticing, send an email by going to ‘Contact Us’ on the right side of the screen.

This will be the final year that Leviathan Studio hosts workshops and retreats. After this year, the studio will be used privately. Future years will see a concentrated study with small groups of friends bringing an end to the workshops available-to-all. You will have to have studied here before in order to participate in the future. There is an aesthetic to learning that we(myself and the alumni of participants at Leviathan) wish to perpetuate: it is the dwelling in empty space waiting for a genuine impetus to move. Go to the drop-down menu ‘Jam Etiquette’ for further musings and what you can expect at the Residencies and workshops.

2020 overview

Leviathan Studio is looking for 15 professional dancers who wish to study Contact Improvisation at is highest levels. Coming for a minimum of 8 weeks, participants are graduates from a dance program, have sat at least one 10day vipassana course with S.N.Goenka, are fit, able and interested in training 6hrs per day. Please begin your application process by going to the ‘Contact Us’ on the side of this screen. Send an email. Scholarships will be available based on support from the patreon campaign. For those who are able to support this ambitious project, please go to patreon.com/leviathandance

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