C.I. with Karen Nelson, June30-July6

We are now full for this workshop.

Contact Improv Intensive and jam with Karen Nelson, June30-July6, 2013

$395 includes tuition, all meals, camping and transportation on Lasqueti. Arrive Sunday afternoon to settle, orient and first jam. Depart Saturday morning. To register go to Contact Us on the right side of the screen and send us a message. In your email say which intensive you are registering for.


Karen is returning from last year to do more, longer explorations of the work of Steve Paxton and Lisa Nelson. We will be doing a lot of the work known as Material For the Spine as well as Tuning Scores.

Tuning the System

The workshop will explore approaching sensation through various systems of dancing. I will provide my take on the work I’ve been studying for over three decades, as well as play with current research into awareness practices such as meditation, qi gong and moving mind.


Drawing from Steve Paxton’s “Material for the Spine” we will practice and learn from some of the exercises he found doing Contact Improvisation and Aikido. These include: double-helix rolls, crescent roll, spinal waves, aikido arm and roll, small dance and improvising.


We’ll apply the morning’s work to our solo, duet and group improvisations aided by the Tuning Scores developed by Lisa Nelson. Tuning Scores magnify the process of communication between dancers as we work in space. We use calls and actions to expose our perceptions and opinions, thereby creating collaborative dances.


Contemplative Dance Practice (followed by a jam). In the CDP ritual, equal time is spent in stillness/sitting meditation, personal warm-up and open space/group improvisation + witnessing. Each section is marked by a bell, and bowing is often practised to mark various transitions.


Karen Nelson has been dancing Contact Improvisation since 1976 or so. Now, in 2012 and after an 8 year break in her training, dancing is a well-spring of fresh gravity. She has toured, teaching and performing in many places worldwide and has collaborated with many wonderful artists. Her work with Steve Paxton and his system “Material for the Spine” has a tremendous influence in her Contact teaching and dancing. Along with Alito Alessi in the 1980’s, she started the Breitenbush Jam and DanceAbility in Oregon; and with others later in the 90’s, Diverse Dance Research Retreat held on Vashon Island, WA. For the last 2 decades or so, composition within improvisation has been a passion; working with Lisa Nelson and her approach of Tuning Scores is a constant source of inspiration and investigation.

To register go to ‘Contact Us’ on the right side of the screen and ‘send us a message’. Please specify which event you are registering for.

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