2012 Contact Improv Dance Workshops

The final workshop of the year with John Faichney and Jennifer Mcleish-Lewis is a few days away. This workshop is now FULL. No more worktrades available. There is childcare provided for $100 per child during class times.

This year I am pleased to be hosting  Eryn Dace Trudell and Yves Candau, Stu Phillips, John Faichney with Jennifer Mcleish-Lewis and Stacey Murchison with Monica Strehlke in five separate workshops. Karen has been doing this for 35years and will bring a wealth of material to work from. Eryn is returning from Montreal, this time with Yves, who is coming from Toronto; both bilingual teachers active on the Canadian scene. Stu is also returning to work his magic much as he did this past summer. John Faichney brings the experience of studying this art for for four decades. And I am very pleased to study with Stacey, Monica and Jennifer, who will be sharing their strong commitment to the form.

These workshops offer an opportunity to study in a relaxed, forest environment. This is a residential retreat as you will be camping and eating and dancing all in the same place. All workshops follow the same format of two classes per day of approx. 2 hours each and an opportunity to jam in the evenings to integrate the material.

There is a three hour break for lunch. This long break gives the participant the opportunity to continue dancing, eat and digest, have a nap, go to the beach,  and more practical things such as do the dishes and for those doing work-study, prepare the next meal. The dance space is to remain with intention to study and conscious work. There may be an hour of meditation at this time if the group wishes.

Four of the workshops are 5 days long,  with arrival and orientation, dinner and first evening jam. Class commencing the next morning after breakfast.  You are welcome to arrive early and stay late. The fee for days outside of the workshop is $25 per day.

The food will be fantastic. When registering please specify vegetarian or not, any allergies or preferences. The food is mostly organic and local as can be. Every meal will have a meat option, including local pork, lamb, chicken and fish. All pasta dishes are rice pasta. There will be chocolate.


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